Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
The Coordinated Assistance Network (CAN) fully supports a culturally competent, sensitive, and inviting web presence and web-based resource. As an organization, The CAN balances the interests of multiple constituencies, including the voices of tomorrow, where we uphold the prevailing standard of our time: that our differences are a gateway to unity and collective impact.
CAN’s courage is rooted in the decency of confronting implicit and explicit biases. That is why the CAN adapts: to navigate its stakeholders’ expectations for a future of shared possibility and common humanity. The CAN team, and its portal, follow legal and ethical standards of non-discrimination and accessibility. The portal experience aspires to be a place of belonging, collaboration, and respect, delivering excellence in case coordination services. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are foundational elements of CAN’s vision, mission, and values. As such, the CAN facilitates and promotes these interests among every organization, partner, and member of the web-based clientele, as well as with visitors to the site. The CAN embodies community and sensibly and relentlessly strive to establish a space for dignity, progress, and the common good.
Through our renowned and growing virtual service community, CAN undergirds social change at the intersections of class and race, embracing the socio-economic complexities involved with geographical, ethnic, and language backgrounds. The CAN culture catalyzes progress and reinforces organizational responsibility and awareness. The Portal encourages the limitless possibilities that come with embracing the vast identities of service populations. The platform supports its members' healthy interactions across gender, gender expression, ability, military service, political philosophies, ideology, faith, religion, ancestry, national origin, citizenship-status, sex, sexual orientation, marital and parental status, and other identities represented within the community.