
The Coordinated Assistance Network (CAN) is proud to partner with nonprofit organizations, service providers, and agencies across all social service sectors to create an inclusive online community of tools and resources. CAN is committed to the ongoing success of our network partners as we collaborate, innovate, and grow together. Compassionate access to services is strengthened by the unique perspectives contributed by CAN Partners, who play a vital role in enriching the community. CAN partners provide Resources, tools, and support that address complex challenges and diverse needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes for those they serve.

Interactive Dashboard

  • Dashboard provides real-time analytics at a glance, to help you focus on what’s important.
  • Actionable statistics on open requests, potential matches of those open requests.
  • Stats on active cases/files for your organizational data at your fingertips.
  • Data can be organized by case, user, organization, or overall network.
  • Easy to navigate to other sections.

Multi Users/Roles

  • Create logins for multiple users, tailoring each user’s access and experience to their role.
  • Choose and set user permissions to maximize team focus and productivity.
  • Establish organization hierarchy, Chief admin, Admin, Junior admin, Junior user.
  • Post opportunities & browse talent of independent, certified or accredited counselors to augment the assistance your organization needs.

Secure Storage

  • Our servers are protected by NTT Global an industry leader in secure hosting.
  • Cloud based software allows access anywhere in the world and functions on any device.
  • Manage and access files with confidence, reducing operational costs to your organization.
  • With no limit to the amount of data you can keep on our servers, auto-archived data as can be retrieved when necessary.
  • By signing the HIPAA compliance agreement upon sign up, all work within the confines of the CAN affords each partner HIPAA compliance.

Browseable % Matched Requests

  • You’ll complete an extensive partner profile at registration, detailing your organization’s available services and the ideal demographics of the Applicants you serve.
  • The CAN compares your criteria to the applicant profile of every open request.
  • A proprietary matching algorithm will determine a % match, resulting in a carefully curated selection of qualified requests for browsing.
  • You can edit your profile at any time, and/or modify the match % threshold as well as filter out "must-match" profile criteria to further improve the quality of your browse results.

Multiple Intake Methods

  • The CAN offers 3 ways for your organization to receive Applicant requests.
  • BROWSE OPEN REQUESTS - A proprietary matching algorithm puts the Applicants you are looking for front and center.
  • INPUT – Create an applicant request by putting in their information on their behalf. If they already have a CAN profile, you need only to fill out the short request form and the request will land directly in your file management section.
  • CUSTOM URL SUBMISSION - A unique URL, that you can choose to create and features your logo, can be selectively shared with specific Applicants in order for them to submit requests directly to your organization.

Case/File Management

  • Robust case/file management feature enables you to assess and communicate with each applicant and see a myriad of information about the applicant and their request as well as conduct your actual work.
  • Easy to navigate tabs show all of the Applicant’s profile and request information, including their request history on the CAN.
  • Secure, informed consent document sharing allows the viewing and electronic signing of sensitive documents shared through the file management module.
  • Generate and monitor progress of actionable tasks assigned to Applicants, keep notes, upload images, and securely message each applicant without navigating out of the file.

Case/File Forwarding

  • If you determine you are unable to help an applicant for any reason during your due diligence, the CAN offers two ways to avoid a traditional decline.
  • If you are aware of a specific CAN partner better suited to render assistance, you may forward the file to that partner with your pending work intact, allowing them to pick up the case where you left off.
  • You can also return the request to an open status, at which point your work to date will be deleted and the file again made available to other partner organizations to claim.
  • You can also refer case files to outside organizations by inviting them to join and interact.

Secure Messaging

  • An integrated messaging system facilitates secure communication with other CAN users, including direct contact with your Applicants.
  • The cloud-based repository reduces email traffic, standardizes retention, and is searchable.
  • Applicant responses are limited to avoid case/file managers being inundated with messages.
  • Automatic system messages will keep you informed of network activity and announcements without cluttering your email server.

Org Results Reporting

  • It is important for non-profit organizations to provide objective evidence of the work they have done. Performance indicators matter to an organization’s donors, Funders, and future ability to apply for and maintain grants.
  • The CAN simplifies user-defined reporting to help you tell your story.
  • Report generation is easy and can be fine-tuned to present your results clearly and concisely using a number of profile attributes to filter, sort, and analyze.
  • Financial data for Applicants served can be aggregated or specified.
  • Run, modify/save, and export unlimited reports during the reporting window identified during registration.

Custom Content

  • Define match quality targets to isolate highly qualified requests.
  • Establish multiple users with role-specific permissions.
  • Create a custom, co-branded URL so that Applicants you have privately invited can register and request assistance directly from an organization.
  • Craft intake questions specific to any organization as well as Pre/Post Assistance Surveys that all become reportable data.
  • Tailor case management checklists to enforce critical milestones.
  • Create and monitor tasks for yourself and Applicants throughout the lifecycle of a case or request.

Grant Management

  • A state-of-the-art grant management feature gives you a single place to monitor all current and prospective grants from beginning-to-end.
  • Enter disbursement and reporting deadlines to ensure none are missed.
  • Users can drill down to each grant’s information, status, deadlines, disbursement details, and documentation requirements, so opportunities are not missed, and available funds are put to use.
  • Assign tasks to yourself or other grant managers within the organization.

Donor Managenment

  • The Donor Management feature gives partners a single place to monitor all donors regardless of status or type.
  • Users can input/edit a donor’s information at any time and add/track donation history for individuals, foundations, etc.
  • Recurring and disbursement donations are collected in a projected table view in order to gauge an organization’s expected revenue table.
  • Input or export donor records en masse for ease of use and creation of mailing lists for solicitation and thank you cards.

Volunteer Management

  • Document the intake of volunteers through your Custom URL (if you choose to set one up).
  • Sort and edit tables which keep all volunteer's information up-to-date and secure.
  • Volunteer profiles specify each volunteer specialty or assignment.
  • Monitor volunteer statuses for quick reference to mobilize good people for a good cause.

Inventory Management

  • Use this section to curate and manage any assets your organization owns in real time in this collaborative repository.
  • Keep track of office furniture, computers, even consumables you use on a daily basis, or keep detailed accountability of inventory you may use as part of the assistance you provide to Applicants.
  • If you disperse inventory as part of your assistance programs, you can make the items available to file managers to utilize and track who has received certain items and what supplies are in short supply.

Collaboration Opportunities

  • A moderated forum gives partners a place to get to know one another, share best practices, or join forces to meet applicant needs.
  • CAN Partners are able to refer Applicants to a qualified CAN counseling program, at no cost to the applicant. Counseling’s are done concurrently with an organization’s case work and will be visible to measure milestones, detailed assessments and counselor-completed questionnaires.
  • Each Applicant’s request history provides a discreet summary of all assistance engaged on the CAN. This allows you to engage Applicants by identifying recurring needs, recognizing patterns of underlying behavior, and avoiding duplication of assistance. Efficiency is critical.

Increased Visibility

  • A moderated forum gives partners a place to get to know one another, share best practices, or join forces to meet applicant needs.
  • CAN Partners are able to refer Applicants to a qualified CAN counseling program, at no cost to the applicant. Counseling’s are done concurrently with an organization’s case work and will be visible to measure milestones, detailed assessments and counselor-completed questionnaires.
  • Each Applicant’s request history provides a discreet summary of all assistance engaged on the CAN. This allows you to engage Applicants by identifying recurring needs, recognizing patterns of underlying behavior, and avoiding duplication of assistance. Efficiency is critical.

Tech Support/Training

  • Extensive tech support documents are available. Read user guides about functionality of the CAN.
  • Tech support is offered to all partners, with email, phone or screenshare when available.
  • The CAN is pleased to include online system training sessions with certain licenses and is always available to others for a small additional cost.
  • In-person training with your team can also be arranged, which includes assistance with setting up your account, creating user logins, and customizing content for an additional fee. To learn more about in person training, email [email protected]