Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
As a result of the COVID-19 national crisis, an estimated 32% of U.S. based nonprofit organizations were forced to close, many of whom will never open their doors again due to the lack of preparation for remote management. Many small nonprofits still struggle today and by offering a remote full-access workspace to better suit work from home, the CAN is answering the call for a better solution.
CAN is granting premium “Black Level” CAN portal licensure to organizations who annually receive less than $250,000. The Momentum to Modernize Grant (M2M) is intended to provide technology that produces transformational Resources for nonprofit infrastructure, efforts to scale, and implementation support. The CAN is a cloud-based platform, and nothing is required to download onto computers or devices. Users may log in from anywhere. The CAN is HIPAA, HUD, and ADA compliant and always free to Applicants. For Black Level features click HERE.
The Coordinated Assistance Network (CAN) is a dynamic platform that is redefining the delivery of social services. The CAN network includes nonprofit partner organizations of all 50 states and U.S. territories, as well as federal, state & local government entities. The CAN portal uses innovative cutting-edge technology to support and connect underrepresented and low-to-moderate income communities to housing, education, jobs, emergent services, Resources, and opportunities. CAN services are an intersection of philanthropy, impact, and measurement. The CAN portal is used by Applicants and partner organizations where they proactively assist those in need by collaborating in real-time.
The M2M grant will assist organizations to lower overhead, develop new programs quickly, and deliver reliable and available services to beneficiaries. Please succinctly demonstrate how the CAN will be used.
Some of the CAN components are Case Management, File Management / Workflow, Financial Assessments, Mental Health Assessments, Food insecurity Questionnaires, Action Plans, Tasks, Document Management & Sharing, SalesForce API, Management Oversight, Multi-User Permissions, Data Management and Connectivity, Custom Intake Applications, Custom Surveys, Real-time Applicant History, Video Conferencing, Secure Client Messaging, Committee Approvals, Grant & Volunteer Management, e-Sign Technology and Robust Reporting.
Letter of Inquiry Due Date: Rolling with no deadline
Grant Eligibility Criteria: USA and territories nonprofit organizations, foundations, educational institutions, and federal, state & local governments may apply.
Grant Award: CAN is awarding “Black Level” licenses to the portal, a value more than $3,000 per organization, per year.
Application Process: Prior to submitting a full proposal, Applicants are required to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) up to 4 pages maximum. Applicants will be notified via email, if selected to move forward with the full grant proposal. Please submit LOI's to [email protected]
Geographic Focus: U.S. and all territories
1. Name of organization and location.
2. Provide mission statement.
3. Provide a list of organization directors and short bios.
4. Provide a list of board members and titles.
5. Provide organization 990 and top 5 funding entities.
6. Provide locations where programs are implemented (local, regions, states or nationwide).
7. Describe available programs and/or services.
8. Please describe why your organization should be awarded this grant.