Indigenous Peoples’ Day: How can we acknowledge it?

Indigenous Peoples’ Day was designated a national holiday in 1923, and in 1971, the government declared it a federal holiday to be celebrated on the second Monday in October. It began as a co-celebration held on the same day as the U.S. federal holiday of Columbus Day, which honors Genovese-born explorer Christopher Columbus. On this day, we celebrate and honor Native American people and commemorate their strength, resilience, histories, and cultures.

You may be wondering-how can I celebrate and acknowledge Indigenous Peoples’ Day? Here are a few ways our friends at DoneGood listed as how you can learn about and honor Indigenous People today:

Attend an in-person or virtual celebration/educational opportunity

In-person and virtual ceremonies andcelebrations are taking place across the country, especially in libraries and museums. Do a quick search and you may find an Indigenous Peoples' Day celebration in your area!

Educate yourself and your family

You can have a small, private celebration of Indigenous Peoples' Day by watching a movie that features indigenous people in an authentic way and celebrates their accomplishments.

Get involved in the anti-mascot movement

If you live in an area with a racially insensitive mascot, fighting for change is a great (and simple!) way to honor Native Americans. Check out the Abolishing Native Racist Mascots Toolkit here.

Support Indigenous Peoples’Rights Organizations

Organizations like Partnership with Native Americans use monetary donations to provide culturally relevant services in accordance with its reservation partners' self-determined needs and goals including education, elder care, nutrition programs, and reservation animal rescue. If you’re looking for more ways to donate, you can also just think back on all the natural areas native people have been working tirelessly to preserve over the last few years. There are any number of ways to donate to protect and restore these natural areas. The Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition is a great way to give and get involved. Native people have gone to bat time and time again to protect the things that give us all life—let's join them!

CAN’s courage is rooted in the decency of confronting implicit and explicit biases. That is why the CAN adapts: to navigate for a future of shared possibility and common humanity.The portal experience aspires to be a place of belonging, collaboration, and respect, delivering excellence in case coordination services. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are foundational elements of CAN’s vision, mission, and values. Learn more about our mission by visiting

By: Sydney Marks

Coordinated Assistance Network is proud to present M2M is intended to provide technology that produces transformational Resources for nonprofit infrastructure, efforts to scale, and implementation support. CAN is granting 75 in-kind grants to organizations for “Black Level” CAN portal licensure. Click here to learn more about M2M.